Breast Feeding Jaundice Treatment

you looking for a jaundice treatment for your baby? This article discusses the
breast feeding jaundice treatment along with the causes of breast milk
jaundice, what causes jaundice in a breastfed baby, etc.

is associated with two types of jaundice. Breastfeeding jaundice is the early
onset of jaundice caused by a lack of calories and/or inadequate feeding.

feeding patterns may aid in the prevention or treatment of this type of
jaundice, particularly if the bilirubin level is rising.

milk jaundice, on the other hand, appears later and is linked to abnormalities
in the breast milk itself.

bilirubin concentrations in healthy full-term infants remain below 270mumol/l,
breastmilk jaundice syndrome or prolonged jaundice does not require much

the bilirubin concentration is above 270mumol/l or rising, breastfeeding should
be stopped temporarily.

milk jaundice appears after the first week of life and lasts longer than
physiologic jaundice with no known cause.

jaundice appears in the first few days of life, peaks in the following weeks,
and then disappears by week three.

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jaundice causes mild dehydration and weight loss in infants in their first few
days of life.

Causes of Breast Milk Jaundice

the first week of life, breast milk jaundice is observed. While the exact cause
is unknown, it’s possible that substances in breast milk prevent certain
proteins in the baby’s liver from breaking down bilirubin.

What Causes Jaundice in a Breastfed Baby?

was previously mentioned what causes jaundice in a breastfed baby, there are
other several potential causes of jaundice in babies and newborns. 

The most
common cause is breast milk overfeeding. Because the baby’s liver is too small,
it can rarely handle the enzymes found in milk, especially if the baby is

causes include diseases, anemia, or a physical liver defect. Jaundice in
newborns and babies can be treated naturally, regardless of the cause. 

When it
comes to jaundice, the natural treatment is the most effective because it is a
disease that your own body needs to eliminate – using an outside force in the
form of medications does not work and often makes the disease worse.

Breast Feeding Jaundice Treatment At Home

What can I do?

more a baby poops, the quicker jaundice will go away. The more milk your baby
drinks, the more poop he will produce. 

As a result, jaundiced breastfeeding
babies should breastfeed as frequently as possible. You can also feed your baby
supplemental formula. 

Read also: Top 8 health benefits of liver

This is frequently useful because breastfeeding mothers
(particularly first-time breastfeeding mothers) produce very little liquid in
the first few days of life, resulting in babies who do not drink much.

is the first form of breast milk; it is followed a day or two later by
transitional breast milk and, eventually (by day three or four), by larger
volumes of breast milk. If a baby does not drink much during his first few days
of life, he will not poop much.

supplemental formula promotes more stooling. Breastfeeding should not be
stopped; instead, the formula is used in addition to early breast milk. Once
breast milk has been introduced, the formula can be discontinued because the
breast milk will do the job.

can also expose your baby to direct sunlight for 10 to 20 minutes at a time,
once or twice per day. He should be naked (except for a diaper) and kept inside
a window to keep him warm (rather than being held outside). 

Sunlight aids in
the resolution of jaundice by converting bilirubin into a form that can be
pooped out more efficiently and urinated out as well.

indoor lightings, such as a lamp or overhead light, does not function in the
same way that sunlight does. As a result, turning on the lights will not help
resolve jaundice any faster.

When does my doctor need to be involved?

doctor should examine your baby if he or she appears yellow. This is especially
true if the baby is less than 24 hours old or older than one month, or if the
yellow discoloration worsens over time. 

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Remember that jaundice progresses down
the baby’s body as the bilirubin level rises, so a yellow discoloration in the
face indicates a much lower bilirubin level than yellow discoloration all the
way down to the toes.

What tests need to be done, and what do the
results mean?

blood test can be used to determine the level of bilirubin. If the level is
high, it should be checked again in a few days. 

If a baby is exposed to special
blue fluorescent lights, known as phototherapy lights, to help the level fall,
the blood test must be repeated to ensure that the number is decreasing

When the level is borderline, it is checked again a day or two
later (without the baby being placed under lights) to ensure that it is not
rapidly rising.

new technique for measuring bilirubin levels without drawing blood has been
developed. This method employs a sticker that is adhered to the skin. 

still in its early stages, transcutaneous (across the skin) bilirubin
measurements may become much more common in the coming years.

Is there a difference between jaundice in
babies, and jaundice in adults?

The only difference is the cause: in adults, jaundice is usually caused by a
poor diet or excessive alcohol consumption, among other things. Overfeeding
with milk can cause it in babies.

bad news is that, because the liver has already been damaged, removing the
cause will not always stop jaundice.

good news is that there is a simple and natural way to correct this. What
exactly is it? In adults, jaundice can be treated simply by providing the body
with the necessary tools to heal the disease and normalize bilirubin levels.

procedure is slightly more complicated in babies because the same nutrients
must be made into a shake that the baby can drink. Aside from that, the
treatment is equally effective in babies and adults.

providing the body with the necessary nutrients and tools, it is possible to
quickly eliminate jaundice in the baby!

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A Word From GetMe Treated

The above treatments
are the best breast feeding jaundice treatment you can try at home. If you have
any questions, use the comment section below or you contact us via our contact
us page. Thank you for your time!

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